Presenting an opportunity to have an exhilirating experience at Rapid Rolls White Water Rafting Company. Located at the twisting and turning snake like river in Rexburg, its geographical location and varying river steepness and velocity provides an opportunity for thrilling experience for people of all ages. Whether you are well acquinted with using the raft, have mixed feelings on how the experience is like, or you never rafted before. Rapid Rolls team will assist you to have an unforgattable experience navigating the "snake like" river. Some may be intrigued if the activity may pose harm of injury to the young and the old particiants, definately no!Your saftey is our major concern
The location of Rapid Rolls is centralised and advantageous for all who live in Rexburg. Located near the Brigham Young University Idaho It provides an opportunity for college student to ghost for a getaway weekend experience, families to have a bond strengthening and less risk experience and those with PTSD to bulid comrade spirit and loosen up as it may assist in the recovery and healing process. Some may be intrigued if the activity may pose harm of injury to the young and the old particiants, definately no!Your saftey is our major concern. We provide protective clothing customized for all age groups and we also have navigating guides to help and assist you whenever you need it.
Website Logo

Style Guide
Color Palette
Palette URL: https://coolors.co/396e94-e7c24f-a43312-381d2a-aabd8c
primary | secondary | accent1 | accent2 |
#0077b6 | 2b9348 | ffff3f | 00bbf9 |
heading font: Georgia, serif
I chose the Georgia font because it is clear and easy to be read by the audience.
Paragraph Font: "Times New Roman", Times, serif
Times New Romans is stylish and makes the site more presentable.
Normal paragraph example
The best white water rafting in Rexburg Idaho
Colored paragraph example
Trips vary from mild and great for families, to trips exclusively for physically fit and experienced rafters. No matter what type of river adventures you are seeking, White Water Rafting Company can make it happen for you.
Site Map
The Site Map of a site is just like it sounds…it is a map of the pages in a site and how they are related and linked together. From the map above we can see that we will eventually have the Home page and 2 sub or child pages.
The lines that connect them all together indicate that each page should be accessible from any other page, it is essentially showing us the global navigation for the site.
Wireframes are like blueprints for making webpages. They should show the major sections of content that will be on the page and the relative locations of each element. In the wireframe below you can see there will be 6 sections to our page:
- At the top we have a section with the logo (the box with the mountain means an image) and the navigation bar.
- Then there is a banner image that stretches all the way across the screen.
- Next we have some text and an image
- ...followed by another row made up of an image and some text.
- Then one more section of text with no image.
- Lastly, a footer containing a copyright/name line and 3 social media icons.